The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

could be found in the whole kingdom a mux ot any rank, however high, who weald not feel honored by hucu a nolti testimonial a you hare just dedicated to an bumbl American citizen. With great respect, Tour friend and bumble servant, Gko. Pkaiiody. Baltimore, Aug. 31, 1809.

IMPORTANT DECISION UNDER THE BANKRUPT LAW. An irnfortpnt decision ban been rendered in New York by Judge BUtchford, the United State in proceedings growing out of the baukrnpt' law. It involves the question of the etlecfc of a voluntary awtignment, without prefer fncea, made by a debtor in failing 'circ*mstances. It was not generally supposed that there was anything in the bankrupt law which could preveut such assignment, and lawyers have so advised taeirtewi, hom*o rmmth how ever. Judge Blatchford beld that such an assignment was a valid ground for proceedings in volants rv bankmntcv.

and in. ase.decided last the same, jnoge ytoitowa una decision, by Striding1 that 1 "an 5 i assignment is a valid gronnd for refusing to discharge the bankrupt from his debt antler the law. 1 he theory of the bankrupt law is that the creditors and not the debtor are to have the. power to choose the person who is to administer the debtor estate. 1 Bat in "voluntary assignments in the debtor chooses the assignee, and the result is verv ant to be that the debtor himself controls the dsuiDution.

Hence such assignments are "contrarr to the spirit of thebankrnnt law! If the voluntary assignment wat xnaoe vntn the consent or au the creditors, to an assignee approved by them, the case might be different. AMUsem*nTS. Academy of, Music. Last night the beautiful Irish drama, in three acts, entitled r.Epry O'lfore," with Mfc Murray in the title rol, was given at. this place.

It is, perbapsr Inferior, in strength and versatility of dialogue. to Oonagh," but certainly not less pleasing. It. does not afford aa wide a field for the exercise of those, admirable qualities Mr. Murray excels in as the but' measured by the fund of amusem*nt it occasioned tp a large, andienoe, there was nothing that criticism would censure.

Indeed, nothing bat the most critical would ajv plana, ti Kathleen, Miss Fiddes, was a charming piece of natural acting, and oonld not fail of provoking' genuine applaose. peWehliu of Mr. Wallace, as his previous character ha4 taught as to expect was admirably rendered. The asae, too, may be7 said of Mr. Davis's Scrulb and Mr.

Bosworth's assumption the military hero. We cannot refrain, however, charac terizing the Mary Afore of Miss Agnes Tache (the Madeline in as moat admirable in its charming naturalness, and freeness from affectation. It ahowa no ordinary merit and a most commendable quietness which is far more applicable than the usual nonchalance of ToHoight is Mr, Murray's benedt, when will be given bis adaptation of Aileen Anton the Pride of Killarney.n We confess no' ordinary desire to see Mr. Murray, before his engagement expires, in Shy lock," so highly spokeu of by the Memphis papers. Vaktettes Theatre.

The second representation of Flies in the Web" was given last night to a fine audience. It was even better than the first perform ance, anddisclosed in a more apprecia i ble degree the exceeding versatility and admirable acting character of Mr. Brougham. To night is his benefit, when he will appear in The Gentleman from Ireland9 and his great specialty Wilkin Micairber in Dickens's David Copper field." 2TOTHING IS LOST. Nothing ill lost.

The drop of dew That trunbles on the lent or flower Is but exhaled, to fail anew Id arranger's huoeer shower Perchance to shine within the bow Tbat fronts the mm at tall of day Perchance to sparkle in the tlow Of fountains tar away. So, with our deeds, for rood or ill, Tney have their power, scarce understood Then let us use our better will To make them rife with good. Like eir lea on a lake they go. King within ring, and never stay, Oh.1 that oar deeds were fashioned so Tbat they might bless alway. THE CITY.

The Weather. Friday began bright and cheerful, with the atmosphere full of sunshine and a delightful coolness pervading it. There were no indications of rain. But towards noon it became warmer, and the middle of the day was thej least bit sultry, The merenry at 6 A. was at and by 10 o'clock had risen to 78.

Nevertheless, the day more resembles the early spring than the last of autumn. The subjoined table shows the condition of the weather at other places Pfals'ee Core, N. 8. 82, hazy. Washington, 1).

66. 8. clocdv. Hon ion. as New York Bnflalo, W.Y.

clear. 65, 8. W. clear. 53, X.

cl ar. uo. H. clear. fnuaneipniav I7aahTlU, Tenn Memphis, Charleston, 8.

Earana, Key West, Fa Aornsta. Ga Mobile. Ala 48. N. elear.

40, 8. clear. 68, B. clotnly. 82, w.

cloudy. cloudy. no, clouily. ciear. Bhreveport.

60, N. clear. Houston. Texaa ex, clear, A SqrAKE Meat About 11 o'clock Friday a hungry looking individual, no inapt representation of Sancho Panza while following the fortunes 'of the Knight of La llancha, made his appearance in a celebrated coffee house on St. Charles' 6treet and marched resolutely tip to the lunch table.

His eyes had a hungry look, and his cadaverous appearance and lean, half led look showed a capacity for immense storeage. This was soon proven not deceptive by the rapid disappearance of soup, ham, roast, and all the adjuncts of a well laid lunch table. Indeed, the enormous appetite of the countryman (for that he evidently was) would have formed no inapt counterfeit of that of Bertram in Osman's Cattle. The customers, as if by mutual paused to look at tba eater but even such an appetite as his must be satiated at last, and wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his coat, walked up to the counter and asked for a glass of ice vater. This was furnished im.

and he drank. Bee here, my friend." said the polite The atranirer heaitatAA Oh 1 oblige me by tasting it. I should really feel offended if you didn't drink." The man consented and the ale was furnished. him. When it too had disappeared down his insatiable gullet, he commenced to thank his entertainer lor his hoppitality.

tOhf dont mention jThe pleasure Is' all mine I couldn't thins of receiving your thanks; When you feel hungry come in again. ahauhave an ox killed Jo morrow and ferre Mm for you bpfciaVy.1! What do yon mean Oh, my dear sir, how can yon auk I .111 afraid you haven't eaten enough." yt a ibave," 9 "Pbtcd to it rray don't proprietor, we nave some excellent aie here, and, after your lunch, I should think yon would like some a aPBoint u.c to fromisea ao.4 took hh departure, evidently considering that. his lines had fallen at last in pleasant places." Burglary. About 2 o'clock Friday mrrning. some unknown persons entered the residence of Mr.

J. A. Mofht, on Marengo street, between Camp and and carried away a valuable lot of lady's wearing apparel, some jewelry, and then proceeded to the poultry yard aiid appropriated the ducks and chick ena. It seems that after providing carefully for the outer person, the barglars meant to lay in a supply of provisions that would enable them to enjoy it. A yet no cine nas oeen xouna identy.

Dkownkd. A white bov named John Men ters, about eight years of age, was fonnd drowned at an early hour Friday morning, in the Melpomene Canal, between Willow and Clara streets. It is not stated when the child was drownad, but it is presumed the previous night. The body was taken to the residence of its parents, and the Coroner notified. Fvlsk A young man named Charles Guano has been arrested on a warrant from the Recorder's office, charged by O.

H. Hallis with obtaining from him ninety six dollars by false representations and pretence. The accused readily nrniphed bail for his appearance and was released. The Strekt ani the Bkoken Baidgks A great destl of complaint Has been made of late in relation to the number of broken bridges, broken crossings and dangerous pitfalls that abound throughout the city. Naturally, the Street.

Commissioner is blamed for all this. It is his duty assuredly to keep them rn repair but of late this has beeq impossible, for the simple reason, he has had no means. The city contractor refuses to supply any more lumber to the city, and no other dealer will do it without a requisition. The difficulty of ob 'taining this will be readily perceived when it is understood that the Street Commissioner has first to apply to the Streets and Landings Committee. If approved by them the requisitiou is taken to the Comptroller, and by him referred to the Finance Committee, where it usu ally stays for months and is finally pigeon holed and passed out of memory altogether.

That distinguished lwxly the Finance Committee having far too much to consider to be bothered with such trifling considerations as practical and necessary interests. They much prefer to spend their time in creating fiscal agencies and discussing the rise and fall ot bonds. People, therefore, who suffer from such minor inconveniences as broken bridges and ruined crossings, must put the blame where it legitimately belongs, and not hold responsible oue who is willing to afford every sort of relief if the means were only supplied him. At present the only thing the Street Commissioner can do is to send his hands around to put dp placards in dangerous places, warning people to avoid them. These are the facts about the matter, and it is aa, well that the people should understand them, and attach the blame where it properly belongs.

Serious Casualty. Abou 9 o'clock Friday morning a little boy named Michael JLoringwas crossing the street at the corner of Poyfarre ana Camp, when he was run against by a dray and knocked down, the wheel of the vehicle passing over his body, crushing in his ribs and inflicting such dangerous injuries that it ia not believed he can survive them. He was immediately taken up and carried to the residence of nis parents, where a doctor was sent for to dress his wounds. lie was, when last heard from, in a most critical condition. Recorder Becker's Court.

George Crof ton, arraigned on a charge of robbery, was remanded until the further order of the court. M. Flaly was sent before the Criminal Court on a charge of larceny. N. Pouchen.

accused of assault and bat tery, was requested to enter into bonds to keep the peace. Henry Dyer was sent to the Parish Prison on a charge of pilfering. George Lally was remanded on a charge of larceny. Peter Kearney was fined as a disturber of the peace. John Gaines incurred a like penalty for the same reason.

Recorder Court. Aug. Conrad, arraigned for assanlt with intent to kill, was remanded until the further order of the court. Emile Gracois was sent before the criminal court on a charge of larceny. Israel Owens was remanded on a charge of assault with intent to kill.

Jacob Betts was sent to the Parish Pri pon in default of bail on a charge of malicious mischief. Octave Brown was fined as a disturber of the peace. Henry Mercer was eqaully unfortunate on a charge of disorderly conduct. THK MYER. weatheb and business arrival and departures of steamboats.

office of the picayune, i Friday Morning. Oct. 1869. Yesterday opened dark and lowering, ith indications of rain at noon however, the sun came out in full force, and on the Levee it was quite warm, with any amount of dnst. On the upper land ing considerable business was doing, as since Our latt report several boats have arrived from Ohio River with large loads of Western produce.

The Thompson Dean and Kick Longworth were receiving fair leads. The Belle Lee had a big load out. Since our report of yesterday the following boats havo arrived National, from Bayou Sara, with 133 bales and 23 sacks seed cotton, and 89 hbls. rice San Nicholas, from (he Lafourche; J. G.

Blackford, from Washington, with 209 bales cotton and 891 sacks cotton seed Cleona, from the Lafourche, with 216 bbls. rice Seminole (new,) from Louisville, with a large freight, part 180 bales cotton and 13 hhds. tobacco Belle Vernon, from Pittsburg, and Silver Spray, from Cincinnati, both with large loads ofproduce. The departures were the Belle Lee for the Bends, San Nicholas for Lafourche, llyrtie for Lower Coast, Thompson Dean for St. Louis, Gladiola for Red River, N.

Longworth for Cincinnati, Cleona 'for Donaldsonville, Mary Davage and barges for St. Louis. Capt. Parisot, New Belle Yazoo, is advertised to leave Louisville for New Orleans, on the 14th, yesterday. The following named boats will be fonnd at the Levee this morning: Henry Ames and F.

Pargoud from Vick9burg; J. H. Groesbeck from Cincinnati Atlantic and barges, and City of Alton from St. Louis; Welcome from Baton Rouge; Tahleqnah from Ouachita; Poet Boy from Natchez, and Jefferson from Red River. Personal.

Capt. J. C. Sinnott has returned from bis trip in search of a boat for the Bayou Sara trade. He has eeenred at St.

Louis the fine steamer II. S. Tnrner. which will arrive here about the 25th to take the place of the National. It is always a source of pleasure when we can notice the addition to the tonnage and consequent prospects of our city, and we would call the attention of those interested in river navigation to the steamer Seminole, arrived on Wednesday last from Louisville; a description of her we copy from a late Louisville' paper, and we must in truth say, that there ia no exaggeration in the account.

She was built under the personal superintendence of Capt. Jos. D. Clarke, and no expense has been spared in her onstruction. She is advertised to leave on Saturday next for Red River, and we rail npon the old and new friends of Capt.

J. D. Clarke and clerk K. Perry, to remember the Seminole The Si minple, a new and elegant stern i jat completed nt. prt.for Capt.

Jo. Clark, far the Iww Orleans aad. Red River trade. She ia by far the handsomest and most complete craft of her clubs turned out around the Falls this Kt Hson, and reflects great credit upon the tsste of Capt. Clark and the skill and energy of her builders.

She is 1S5 feet long, 38 feet beam land .6 foet hold." Her motive power consists of two en trine, with cylinders 17 inches in diameter and 5V4 fet stroke, four boilers 80 et long and 38 inches in diameter, toa nap 400. "She is also provided witii at earn capstan freight holster, and all tl er modern 'Her cabin is full height, with twelve rooms on a side, and is elegant! and tastilv fur I nisbed. She also has a large and eonmo lious texas. The following are her builders and furnishers: Hull, David S. i Ha i more: machinery, Kirk, Dennis 6V cabin, MeClaran painting.

Ryan Sc. copper and sheet iron work, I furnitnre.Jno.8imm: upholstery, Henry Wehmhoff; tableware, Walton Brcv Bv a telearram to Mr. N. O. Doriohue.

i dated Shrevepnrt, 13th, we learn that the steamer Right Wny had left, and will arrive to leavo on Monday next. Our readers will see in another part of to day's Picayune that the steamer Gala i tea is offered for sale. For particulars npply to E. Conrey 8on, corner of i Delta and Canal streets, or to Capt. Hemenway, on board of steamer T.

D. Hine. The Gladiola. Capt. Lee, left for Rod River last evening with a fine trip, both of freight aud pattsengers.

Jennie Howell in Place of the J. O. Blackford. Capt. Pickett yesterday chartered the fine steamer Jennie Howell I to take the place of his boat, and will leave with her to morrow evening for Opelousas.

Capt. Pickett will put his i boat ia dock and have her repaired throughout, and will, on the completion her repairs, leave here every Tuesday during the season. The Enterprise, for Arkansas River, Travis Wright and Julia A. Rudolph, for Red River, were detained from leaving as announced yesterday. They are re ceiving and will leave this evening.

In order to enable shippers to fill orders I the Mary Houston, Capt. L. B. Danhatn. will defer her departure until to morrow I evening, at 5 o'clock, and will take freight for all landings between hero and Louisville.

The Post Boy will be receiving this morning, and, as will be seen by an advertisem*nt, will extend her trips to Greenville and will take freight for all landings in the Bends, and will also attend to her Natchez business as usual. The Post Boy has excellent accommodations, and is in command of Capt. A. C. Goddin.

The Myrtie has changed her hour of departure on Saturdays from 4 P. M. to 12 M. The Silver Spray is receiving, and will leave to day for Cincinnati. The Belle Vernon in receiving, and will leave to morrow for Pittsburg.

The Henry Ames and Frank Pargoud will be receiving this morning for their return trips. They leave to morrow evening for Vicksburg. Manifest of Atlantic and barges 12,743 bbls. flour. 038 half bbls.

flour, 100 bbls. poik, 50 bbls. corn meal, 416 bbls. potatoes, 141 bbls. apples, 376 bbls.

tire clay, 15 bbls. krout, 4160 sacks bran, 3773 sacks oats, 4751 sacks corn, 384 sacks oil cake, 277 sacks rye, 1963 bales bay, 158 dozen brooms, 26 wagons, 65 coops chickens, 1017 packages sundries. Total, 31,551 CLIPPINGS FROM OUR EXCHANGES. The Cincinnati Commercial, of the 12th, says The weather.was mildand clear yesterday, until last night, when it became cloudy, with a light drizzling rain. The wind came from the southwest all day.

Here the river has risen three inches during the twenty four hours ending last evening, with nine feet seven inches water in the channel last night by the Water Works mark. CaDt. Frank Y. Batchelor returns to New Orleans on Thursday, with the reliable side wheel Swallow. On the 6th inst.

the steamboat Daniel Drew left Albany at 10:15 A. with a nassenger list of over 400 people, and ar rived at Desbrosses street. New York, at 5:57. lhe Drew made all tne landings usual to the route, which fact drew from her actual time three fourths of au hour, for the tide was high, and more than ordinary time required to effect them. Deduct this 45 minutes from the full time, and her actual running time is less than 6 hours better than 24 miles to the hour.

On the 7th the same vessel was timed on her run from Youkers to Thirty fourth street, sixteen miles, and ehe completed the distance in 92 minutes, no special preparation was made for the performance of these trips. OilX'ity. Oct. 11. Alleghany falling, with 18 inches water.

Cloudy and cold. Thermometer Morgantown, Oct. 11. Monongahela stationary with one foot water. Clear.

Thermometer 61 Greensboro, Oct. 11. Monongahela falling slowly with 4 feet water. Clear. Thermometer 52 Brownsvii le, Oct.

11. Monongahela stationary with 5 feet water. Clear. Thermometer 55'. Pittsburg, Oct.

11. River falling slowly, with about 30 inches in the hannel. There are no marks here to indicate the stage of water. Cloudy and cool. EvAXSviLi.E, Oct.

11. Cloudy and csol, with strong indications of rain. The river has receded at this point 10 inches during the past twenty i'onr hoars, and still declines steadily. Business good. St.

Louis, Oct. 11. The Mollie Able arrived here from New Orleans th'is evening, with a heavy freight. She will be sold at trustee's sale to morrow. The L.uisville Courier Journal, of the 12th, says: The river continues to recede very elowlj at this point, with 4 Mi feet water in the canal last evening.

Weather cool and cloudy. Business dull. The P. W. Stradeu will follow the Virginia to New Orleans.

The Virginia arrived from New Orleans with a moderate trip, and is advertised to leave for that port to morrow afternoon. The Argosy No. 3. for New Orleans, with three barges in tow, added twenty tons of freight and two hundred empty barrels here aud departed. The Belle Yazoo, Capt.

Parisott's new packet, made a trial trip on Sunday, and performed admirably. She will load for New Orleans and leave for that port on Thursday. We note the following boats as advertised to leave to day The steamer National is the regular U. S. Mail boat to day for all the coast landings to Bayou Sara.

Passenger, and shippers will be punctual, aa she leaves at 10 A.M. Capt. E. F. Gross on deck, with J.

G. Landory in the office. For Greenville, Vicksburg, Natchez and Inters rEDiATE Landings. The Post Boy is the Goddin Line packet to day. Capt.

A. C. Goddin has command, with O. F. Jemison in the office.

She is off at 5 P. and is a fast wul reliable boat. Remember the Post Boy in your shipments to day. For Cincinnati. The Silver Spray, a good light draft steamer, is up to day for Cincinnati, and will take freight and passengers for all landings on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers.

Capt. J. S. Patterson commands. She is oft at 5 P.

M. For Red River. The light draft steamer Travis Wright, Capt. Tom Reader, is at the foot of Canal' street, and is receiving to leave to day. A'fine chance for travelers and shippers to Shreveport.

Jefferson. Marehall, etc. She is off at. 5 P. M.

Mr. George Tnrner is the tlcrk of this fine steamer. For Arkansas River. The Enterprise, Capt. D.

Thomas, having completed necessary repairs, will be off to day. The Enterprise takes freight for all landings on the Arkansas River. Messrs. C. Thorn ai.d H.

Buchanan will be found in at teudance in the office. "She is pff "at SP.M us Ct Ytry light draft packet Lichtwood. Capt. W. B.

Scott, leaves this evening, at 5 o'clock, for all points up to Monroe and Trenton, giving clear bills of lading. The Light wood is an Al boat, and will put passengers 'th ronh also freight in quick time. For Rd Eitr. The entirely; neir and light draft fteamer Julia A Rudolph, Capt. H.

G. MoComaa, is oil to day; She is engaging freight end passengers for all landings on Red River as far as Shreveport; also, Marshall. Jefferson and Eastern In her office will found F. Y. Cellos, and Mr, Rudoph.

She leaves at 5 P. M. A good boat and good officers. Our readers will Jearn by perusing" another part of to day Picayune that the fine steamer. Mayflower, having, been repaired andcepaiated' and now presenting appearance of a new boat, will commence' as a regular Oua1 chita River packet, 4 leaving there ton Wednesday next, the 20th at 5 P.

and will leave every Wednesday thereafter." The Mayflower" will connect with the light draft packet Lightwood, giving clear bills of lading through to Monroe and Trenton. She will also take freight for Tensas and Ljtlte Rivers, with privilege of reship ping at Trinity. Capt. W. W.

Risher will command the Mayflower, and Mr. Ferd. V. Cellos will officiate as olerk. The Mayflower will commence to receive freight to day.

Mr. Geo. D. Hite. her agent, 17 Tchoupitoulas street, will give all information to shippers.

OFFICIAL. LIST OF LETTERS JIIAINING IN THX POST OTOCB AT New Orleans, and uncalled for, Oct. 14, 1869. LADIES' A LXtrT. Anvray bus Anal hi tnra Ambrose Hmncj lira an miss lio wen mra Itany nira, Delord st Boy II mra P.abbinKton miss Brown miw) lirott mra Bt rniia Klaiiclin Builer iur, col'd Brrtlwi ick ini a Breilow mrs Bui Julia Corvette mra C'alin A mra t'nvanac mra Caffoj nitHS lart mlaa CfiilrtrPds 8 Lmra Cook mra.

Third Uist Cottle mra Creamer mra CruM os A miaa Doreey mra Oct ere mra IW Im no mra DibieU tnixa Da id won mra Killer mrs Klvcrton A miftA Fleiuniich nira fit over Jaa mra nibble mm (imniljesn miaa Cooilwin col'd Hurlies nii. llotak miea Hoinett mix IIamIhoii It in it Heiilj Nanry Anderson Maria Adama mra Arnnaton Laalsa Bowe Geo A mra Brady A mlaa Bennett Faonia Byrd mra Boey miaa Baby A mrs Brown mra Blooker miss Brooks mlaa Bradiord A mra Brash A mra Clark mra Clouxh mra Church mra Copperamlth Dora Carey mrs Conlon mra Clearland mra Coaaa mrs Coul aJi an mra Duval miaa Dn via mrs Deacon mra Demain A mrs Elam Corince Kin hor A uqi GiUigan van tiibuey jn mra Grady Ellen Garry Sarah II linn mra Hon I mra llaiuinett mrs Horn I' mitki I. mrs Jotni. tiin Nellio Joim Klirnbeth Jatkeon uirv Kavaiinnch Aimii' Kuiii A mra I.ynrh Mnry A Leonard A mrs Lovell A mitts Jewett mra Jonea Minion mra Jmues BMW mrs Jennings mra Kendall miss KelloRK II mis It l.ona; mrs I.noe 8 mra J.evehe MtirTell (' nn Myers mrs Mitchell mrs Mayo mlas Mourve II mrs Motte Mary Mullen llobt mi 8 Miller Mollus Mnns mra ill. Jennie Miller mis Murphy Kate Myeia iura.

Gaiennie st Momt mi a MiiMry A mrs Aiorse al mrs Macs McDonald mrs Kci'leary mrs Mclvehan Ellen Nelson Mari.i Netter Mary OKtlen miss OUi miss Pierce mlas 1'aul A mrs Pruter Euluie Kobei Emily Kils m'llo Ileele mrs Kufns mra Kobinaon mrs Beilly mr.i MeOibbou mis MrBnrnrr nirn McJLrod mra N'fwspr mra Noiiuh mis Nicol miss O'Neill mis U'lsrine lui a PoTrlarAnn Plough mi3 Fliiliij miH nusa Foblnson Milly Uomliart mad BhbertNon A mrs Hosier mra Mol.ert m'lle Robinson Marie Koberta in i Simmons Sallie Slunuivre Maiy Pcott Yinte Stars Martha stifiel mrs Simmons mra lmipnbire 1. 11 mrs shaiimyre A nji.s Tomes mra Tillrrson A mlas Thompson miss Trust mrs Whitfield Mollie miss White miss Walali Mary Hewell Alico Stanley mrs Pt.lliviin Delia Hf C'loiilil mi Sliles Marianne Hlmto mrs Slovin miss Smith Edith, colored Talbert miss Toplcff miss Trimble mrs WHnte mrs Wlnjrfield A nii Whitehead Jennie White A mra GENTLEMEN'S LIST. A Arkman Addison Atkins A Athanaxso Aby Abrums capt Angell 8 A ns' in Aiireaj Aveiy Herry Hannon A Byrne Bash L. rol Butler Brown Barna Hyane Wm Blain I inr Bnckner Coleman Chase A aiter col Churchill Converse Win Cady Claik Cochran Clayland I Converse Adams, col'd Barlow Barret A Bush BrHrjrE Bai ns Brabot. Burwell Bel Bnchanan Baker Jno Cranmer Callaway Carr Wm Carbry Clark TF Covle Jas Crona Cameron A Clou it Jos Crosby Jno Dallins 8 Dempaay Dillon vtm Davron Jns BlKley Burk Thos Beck Benton Jas Barron Bechniell Brewster Boaxdman Berrv fcco Bier 11 Campbell Campbell Custus Cunimina sRMT Cooke eienvland Cownn Dsvid Cloney Clary Carroll ML Duff Griffin Dougherty Davcy Devine Prommer Dwyer Oa i) 11 son Drake John Dos well Darlinir Davis A i'eWitt A Uehart 11 KlliB EnK nd Forney Fayea Fnrperson Fitz Fallon Gaines Zi Green RW Holds: one I.

Gnmey A 8 Gibbons Gogai ty iTartean Huston Thos Han Hnmble Jacob aren Pa) man Hairisnn i'nwer Donnelly Dennis Davnport Drown IHws A Devine Davidson Drance tamily Elliott Ernest Futm Fredrick A Field Fel'owa lleldlng A Griffin Thos Gawey Wm Gross Cliar Fnrarsn FitzpatricX Fans Fornell A Garrett Goodrich Aaron GUson Greenwood A G' GnMnator Ii GillisM Griffin Gaines mr II TTenery Geo Hall Frank GoddardS Hudson Henrv eo Hedrick JKO fiennino; It Hellybride HaweaNowen ITvman HaUfday John Howard Harroll a. liayner II Hale Thos Ilaycs 5" Balmer I Jw EftOtl i oili Jones Daai Knox 8 Kenneler A Kernaghan Wm Kidder Keller Peter Kimball JieiLU Jos tr a Lee Franklin. Logan 8 Lord Lord RC Ladley Gee A Lynch Tint Leila Ijuy.GowW It Lycna dr Li Geo Laaa Jeaao eiC Vltrhell Jas Wm T' MoniaKua; VomiDO i Maawell A' Mors A Mii'erdt Glrard achellel syi.iB A Moraa Rlorphy Jno Morey Martin Valine Patk Hugh. y. i i i Blaea VcM allay Thoa MeB rron McKeiTy Wm MeConneU Martin EX" Mas iraJoaX Mnldoon Thos Moffet Joa A Morriasy MarahaUJ Moat MeDanWIH McGrlermr MoOrataJaa MeM amarra Jaa Kelsoa Riehalda Nana Jr Mcuiveraa m.

JMci'iokr Geo MoBridedr af cMyler Jaa KalaaesWJ Kaaaena Nichols TS Naol Mike NnHinpr liver Geo Tlema GeaH OUver Patterson JB Points Jos Pay re Plnakett Pearson Parser Jaa PejcivaJ rev Patch Henry Piillllpsmr PaltaaFF Phillips Wm Paleraon I Portia Thos Parmele Reid Heniy Rd Richard Wm Raddea Jno Preoeott Petti Jaa Perkina Jno Phetaa PhlUaott Steph Poland A Qainn Thos i. Rinr Jno moub Ruaan Dennis A Ray oar nJaoK Read Reed Redorn Jaa RUshardaou Roche JnoG Rose Row Roper Cbaa Roe Romar Roarers rol Robinson Isaac Knsta Jno Reid A ol Kin gold A Swain Rich Blavin Pnt Sweeney Stroud Hereford Selover A Shelly teo Sinter ScowdenR 3 fchuteJ Sanbinu A I Shader Stewart Steel A Peals Shields feco 8 tone Oscar Stevens Chas Stafford capt Saaunoa Seymour Wm Stewart Rosa Smith Dr Miuexna aa SohmiA Edw Shone Snyder Wm Smith Geo Scoaain Jaa Stewart Geo Tracy Thoruton Taylor Thompi on Turner VasaAF Wagner Walker inslow Thompson a TunneU Van Bibbard Walker Vincent Wallla Wayne Winston WUllams HC Wolfe Wallinaton Winn Wilson Woodruff Young Wallace WUbon Williams Whitman A Watson West White Williams Wolf mr Walker Weiit orth Whit more Yoast 8 WuaCL Woodley Yenni, Gregory Initials Heirs 8 MiMandon Dupre's Hat and Shoe Store and Lander. CHAS. W. LOWELL, Postmaster Wew Orleans, Oct.


No arrivals from sea reported this morning. BTKAMERS. Pip Horn, lib am. fra St Lonis. Frank Parpourt.

Totan, fm Millikeu's Bend. Poet Boy, Libano, fm Matohoa. Jeneraon, Rea, fm Shreveport. Flicker, Aucoin, Tnibodaux. Tahleqnah.

Blanka. fm Rutland's Bar. Mary, Carroll, fm Mobile. Below Com tag Up Steamal Robert Lowe, Cleaver, from Liverpool, to Hunter ship Sorrento, Kelson, from Liverpool July 81st, to Hunter Mei Schr Isabellta Saveuay, 12 days fi om Mlna t.tlan. to Kelley RECEIPTS OF PBODUOX.

8T LOUIS Steamer Big Horn 100 bbls nork to Dunnica Aco 40 bbls potatoes Som mers 100 do Schwabaoher Hirscb 108 aka corn Duffy fsS do Geo Martin 25 bbls whiskey 25 cases bitters 25 cases schnapps Hathorn Pier ton 50 bbls flour Shropshire Bros 23 bbls onions 15 bbls peas 5 sscks dried apples 64 sacks potatoes lauman 26 vases bitters A Whitney dtoo bbls potatoes '20 bbls peas DelBondio 182 bbls potatoes 1 crate cabbage DelBondio 262 bbls and 889 sarka potatoes Pleasants 10 bbls peas 3 J2 bbls flour Buildecke Aco 400 do 42 sks potatoes HLaj back ftco bxa mdse John Williams 2 ska potatoes 1 bbl onions 1 bbl flour 1 bbl apples 8 Moi roe 30 bbls onions 70 bbls apples 60 bbls potatoes 991 sks corn and sundries to order MOBILE Steamer Mary 250 bales cotton to A Boh 111 Winston, Morrison Aco 50 HW Farlev Aco 50 Powell 21 Summers A Hranulnn 19 Leliman, Kevgaw dtoo 6 HJk zlns Aco 4 Battle A Noble 2 Jo Hoy Aco 1 Greene A Bros 8 bales mdse to Lehman. New gass Aco sacks wool 3 bales rags lot old iron to Kaniman Aco sundries to order Total 544 bales cotton MILLIKEN'S BEND Steamer Frank Pargoud 410 bales cotton to Richardson A May 346 liogan A Palton 218 Mever. Deutch A Weis i5 I'enn A Pace 124 II A Allen Aco 122 to Pritchard A Blckham 76 Nalle A Camraack 56 tiarrard, Craig Aco 54 Flower 51 Bhtkemore Bros Aco 43 A II Peale Aco 17 Newman A co 45 Nelson. Lajipliier Aco 45 Burnet Aco 44 Jos Hoy Aco 44 Musson Aco 55 Phelps Aco 32 Ricks A Hall 26 Lehman, Newgass Aco 26 Chaffe A Bro 2d Ale us, Scherck A Autey 25 Buswey Aco 25 Carroll Aco 23 Newman Act 21 Bnckner Aco a) Denis 18 Person 18 Friersou Aco 17 Jnrey A Harris 16 to order 15 Champlin 13 Given 15 Fiiedlauder 14 West A Wright 13 A 8 Hen dei son 12 Gallagher 12 Perkins, Swenson Aco 12 summers a Branuins II Buck A co 11 Scott A Cage 10 Winston, Morrison Aco 9 Hardie Aco 9 Higgiim Aco Wright, Allen Aco Powell Aco 7 Hiller Aco 7 Allison Aco 7 Renshaw A Cammack 6 Cook 5 Ar Miltenberger A Pollock 5 St nan, Norton Aco 5 Thornhifl A Niion 1 Clinton I.eSassier Boarnian 4 Ben Bnisson Aco 4 Can pbcll Aco 4 Lacey, Terry Aco I Randall Aco 3 Abv Aco 2 Beaumont, Fakes Aco 2 2 Stroud 2 Von Phul Bros 1 Levy A Haas 1099 sks cotton seed to A Bennett Aco 816 do Mai 721 do AhWge 346 do Penn A Paco ilS7 ilo Bnckner Aco 172 do Power 170 do A Peale Aco 75 do Smith 50 do Payue, Hun tin gton Aco 30do A A Mngiiuiis 29 do Fair hil to order Total 2518 bales cotton sks cotton seed NATCHEZ Steamer Post Boy 7 bales cotton to Ri lower 62 8 Newman Aco 44 A Levi 61 I.ehn scott I. ii A Deutch A Weis 22 Ale us, Scherck A Autey 23 Gallagher 21 Violett, Black Aco r3 est A Wiigl.t 17 I'ritchaid A Bickham 16 Wiltx 16 AllTealeAco 15 Brooks, Claiborne Aco 13 A reenwood 12 Brauer II Payne, Huntington Aco 11 8 Stafford Aco 10 Jos Hoy Aco A AJ iltenberger Aco 10 idle A Cammack 8 Frieison Aco 7 Higgins Aco 9 Ctimplell Aco ti Adams A Sou 5 Barrett A LeX.ssier 6 Ernest 5 DaSilva 5 Levy A Haai Randall Aco 1 Eglestine 3 Bea KuL son Aco 3 Smith Aco 9 Geo Stroud 3 Bouligny A EscIfipoE 3 Greenwood A Son 2 1 Levy 2 Speukc A Buckner 1 do 24 sks seed cotton to A iSeelye 5l sks cotton seed Soott A age 01 do 8 Marx 322 do Alilige 219 do 8 Power 124 do Brauer 101 do A.

A Maginnis 74 A Bennett Aoc 72 do Dowling 10 do Stroud sundries to order Total 716 bales cot 24(M sks cotton seed 24 sks seed cotton sHUEVEPOKT Steamer Jefferson 105 bales cotti to Chafle A Bro 37 Sjieake A Bnckner :3 Jos Hoy Aoo 35 Payne. Huntington Aco 33 I elmian, Newgass Aco 26 Richardson May 21 Phelps Aco 16 Ar Miltenberger A Pollock is Brooks. Claiborne Aco 15 Brown 14 Furl ridge Aco 13 Beadles, Wingo Aco 13 CL Walms ev Aco 8 A Johnson Aco 7 Spvker A SandKi'gc 7 Converse. Duxburv Aco 6 Alcus, scherck A Autey Hardie Aco 6 Ober, At water Aco 5 Carroll Aco 5 Penn A Pace I Blair Aco 4 Ware A Son 3 Bloch Bros 3 Couret 3 Perkins, Swenson Aco 2 Randall Aco 2 Winston, Morrison Aco 2 Green, Crump ot Brother 1 hide spor sundries to order Total iS2 bales cotton TJIIBODAL'X Steamer Flicker 2 bales cotton to Hunt A Macanlav 4 sks seed cotton 2 bbia lecans to Labasquiere, Dupleix Aco 2 do Gomdain 2 do TeneN.nne 11 do Cherot 3 do Suberbellle A Gauti eaux 2 do Capt Aucoin 3 do Bethancom 4 do 12 bdla hides A Docarro 20 do 2 bbls pecans Terrebonne 200 sks cotton seed Bienville Oil Works sundries to order RUTLAND'S BAR Steamer Tahlequah 47 bales cotton to Fellows, Ferguson A Hervey 47 Scott A Cage 44 Levy A Haas iS Vredenburgh Aco 33 Hardie Aco 27 8 Newman Aco 24 DR Carroll Aco 24 A Oglesby 20 8 Rawlins 19 Lehman, Newgass Aoo 13Thornhlll A Nixon 11 Penn A Pace 10 Warren, Crawford Aco 9 Ar Miltenberger A Pollock 9 Ware A Son 9 Pritohard A Bickham 9 Higgins Aco 8P8 Wilti 8 A Peale Aco 6 Voisin A Seymour 6 Perkins, Swenson Aoo 6 Walmsley Aoo 6 Campbell A Strong 6 Newman Aco 5 Flower 5 A Lane 3 Dronet A Forstall Bres Aco 3 Payne, Huntington Aoo 4 Allison Aoo 2 II Givqn 2 Nalle A Cammack 3 Musson Aco 2 Aiken A Watt 1 Jnrey A Harris I Forcheimer Bros 295 sks eottoa need 8 Marx 200 do 8 Newman Aco50 do AT Bennett A co sundries to order Total 469 bales cotton 545 sits cotton seed WHITE RIVER. FOR WHITE RIVER Through 3 Bills of Lading given to all poiate an White, (aa hiaa aa JaoksonobrL) Little Rea ana whom, iuvuts, over tne steamri of the St Louie and New Orleans Packet Com naay and the Adams Whito Kiver Line.

J. B. WOODS, Gbt Agent, KM tUinuonn street. Blank Rllla of tor Urufb sh'piun farmsLtiU at 9 uincii. jeai'iMe iy I UH Li i Le? 88 I a 8TEAMBOATSL OHIO RIVER.

REGULAR CINCINNATI AND FITTSBU BG PACKET Leaves oa FRIDAY. Uth last, at i P. M. I 1EjP kk "JH PITTSBURG. WHKKt LflkBaTlng, Cincinnati.

Louivllle, Kvaaa ville. Paducah. Cairo, Memphis V4cburar aad all intermedial laadtngTha SILVER SPRAY, i Jo S. Patterson. Master, will leave aa abeva.

For freight pas age ap p'y oa board, or to C. O. WAT1TE, Katchos sttaet. RED; RIVER. Leave on FRIDAY.

Oct. If, at P. at 9 FOR JsHBtiVB port. Grand Bayou, Loggy Bayoa, ClMiHhatta. St.

Mnrirlnind Boore. A lexarfrtrta, Noman'a Barbia's and all way landings The new and splendid passenger packet i TRAVIS WRIGHT, J. T. Reederi master, ain leave as above. For fraightor naaaage apply on boarder to LORD McPKAKK, 70 Oravter street.

ova A. BRITTON A CO 135 Qravtar stfl Tsvea on FRIDAY. Oct. la. at a M.

I mmm port. Grand Bayou, Loggy Bayoa. icoushatta. StMauriea.urand Roora. Alexaadria, Norxnaa' Barbin'a, and aO way laadinga Tha saw and elegant passenger steamer A A.

RUDOLPH, H. O. Mccomaa, master; Fard. V. Cellos olerk.

will leave aa above. For freight or passage apply oa board, or to W. M. 8 URLS, 2 TehoupMoala street, QlO H. R.

KPPLKK. 4 Toooupttoulaa ureet Leaves on SATURDAY, 16th lnst at P. at. 'port, Grand Bayoo, Loggy Bayou, icoushatta. 8t Maorioe.

Grand Kcore. Alexandria, Norm an a Barbin'a, and all way Uadlnga The A No. 1 pMaaager paokat LOTA WANNA, H. J. Brinker, master.

H. OL Hiaatt, clerk, will leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to J. M. TUCKER, 2 Tchoupitoulas street.

N. O. DONOHUS, 30 Tchoupitoulas St. H. R.

KPPLKR, 4 Tohoapitoolaa at. ol3 W. M. SU RLS, 2 Tchonpltonla street. Leavea on SATURDAY, lth inst, at SP.M.

it itlT MtiitHJJSI. (JUAifiViB Grand Bayou, Loggy Bayou, latta, SCMaurloe, Grand Boors. Alexandria. Norman's, Barbia's and aU way land. isgs The new and splendid passenger packet JEFFERSON, Geo.

W. Rea, master, H. A. Dohrman, clerk, will leave aa above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ol4 GKO.

D. HITK, 17 Tchoupitoulas St. Leaves on SATURDAY. Oct. 18.

at 5 P. M. FOR 811 KKVK PORT, GRAND 'ou, Grana Kcore, Aiexanona ail way lanaings SEMINOLE, J. D. Clarke, "master, will leave as above.

For freight or passage, apply on board or to SINNOTT A ADAMS. ol3 IT 25 Commercial Place' Leavea en MONDAY, Oct. 18. at 5 P. M.

FOR JEFFERSON DIRECT. The regular U. S. Mail and pas aenaer packet RIGHT WAY. G.

K. Wilkinson, master, F. A. Behan, clerk, will leave aa above for Jefferson, Shreveport and way landings. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ol5 N.

O. DOSOHTJF, 30 Tchonnltoulas st REGULAR BD RIVER PACKET, leaves every TUESDAY, at 5 P. M. FOR GRAND KCUKK, ALSX andria, Norman's, Barbiu's, and aU way landings The A No. 1 regular passenger packet LIZZIE HOPKINS, A.

P. Roadman, master. Bam. Lawson, clsrk. will leave as above.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to A clerk will receive for her at foot of Canti btreet on Monday morning. J. M. TUCKER, 2 Tchoupitoulas st 830 tf W. M46URLS.

2 Tchoupitoulas st RED RIVER WEEKLY PACKET. Leaves every WEDNESDAY, at 5 P. M. X)K ALKiASUMA, DOR man's. Barbiu'a mid all intermediate landings The elegant and very light a ran passenger pacaei CELESTE, 3.

F. Muse, master. leaves as above. Insures A No. 1 in the home offices.

For ft eight orptsaage apply on board, or io a. BHiiTu.i, agenL 13 5 Gravier street ol 1m LORD A McPEAK B. 70 Gravier st odachitajrkw Leaves on FRIDAY. Oct 15. at 5 M.

TTS FOR TRENTON AND MON ROE Direct and all intermediate land ings ou Black and Ouachita Rivera The tine passenger teamer LIGHTWOOD, W. R. Scott, master, vtll positively leave as above. For freight or past age apply to GEO. D.

HITE, 17 Tchoupitoulas st The IJghtwood gives clear bills lading to Tren'on snd Monroe. FOR OUACHITA RIVER. Leaves every WEDNESDAY, at 5 P. M. Commencing on WEDNESDAY.

20th 18W. FOR TRENTON, MO VROE, Columbia narrtsonbura Trinity and all intermediate landings ou Ouach ita and Black Rivers The new side wheel passenger steamer MAYFLO WER, W. W. Risher, master, F. V.

Cellos, clerk, will leave as above positively. For freight or passage apply on board or to GEO. D. ITE, 17 Tchoupitoulas The Maytiower makes sure connections with the new light draught steamer Lightwood giving clean bills lading Tessas ana Little luver ireigmiaKen wiiu ptivilege of reliirping at Trinity. Passengers taken lor all coast landings.

tf ARKANSAS RIVER ARKANSAS RIVER." Leaves on FRIDAY, Oct. 15, at 5 P. V. fc FOR KOttT SMITH, VAN HU 3 ren, Danlanelle, Little Rock and all ui.cruieuuiije ututxxus xuu uon uu tine atecmer ENTERPRISE, Dave Thomas, master, Chas. Thorn and Henry Buchanan, clerks, will leave as above.

For ireignt or passage apply on bourd, or to ..10 A. BRITTON, 135 Gravier street. NATCHEZ. GODDIN NATCHEZ LINE: Leaves every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRI liVfinil flATimnAYR. atSP sf.

Tne DoatS OI tuis uao wm uo run 'as follow for the present, steamer WILD WAGONER, A. Goddin. master will leav every SATURDAYS and WEDNESDAYS, commencing SATURDAY, Sept 11, 1808. Steamer POST BOY, J. C.

Libano, master, will leave every MONDAYS and FRI DAYS at 5 P. commencing Sept 13, 1669, for Donaldsonville, Plaquemine, Baton Rouge and all In teiniediate towna and plantation landings to Natches. For freight orpasssge apply to s8 6ro GEO. D. HITE, 17 Tchoupitoulas st A clerk will be on the Levee every day to re ceive freight MOBILE.

FOB BLADON 8PRINGS. Via Moraan Line Mail Steamers to Mobile. rABSK.UUHS 1AM1 1 111 aU Boats leavina New Orleans on with steamers CLARA AND PRAIRIE STATE. Reaving Mobile on SATURDAY EVENINGS, i Fare through 12 60. I CHAS.

A. WHITNEY Agents, an tf Corner Magaaine and Natches streeta. OPELOUSAS. T3Q J4rA It iwu oe FOR OFULOU8AS. WASSISO.

ton, Fort Bar re, and all landings on the Coast Atchafalaya Rive and Bayou Courtableau The light draft steamer I JENNIE HOWELL, (In place of J. U. Blackford. C. Pickett, master, J.

B. Schmit, clerk. The Jennie Howell connects at Sims port with steamer Payne wick, and at Church ville with Jennie Gibbons. Through bills lading given. Bi Is against steamer Jennie Howell will not be paiil without a written order from the captain.

The Jennie Howell when the water Is too low, will connect with steamer Maggie P. p7 lm Leaves on WEDNESDAY, 13th inst. FOR OPELOUSAS, WASHING. "fJ ton, Bert Barre, and all landings on the Coast Atchafalara River and Bayou CourtaWean The liarht draft, steamer ANNIE WAGLEY, M. Kenlson master.

T. Jobin. clerk, leave as above. Tor freight orpassage apply on boaid.or to I J. M.

JOHNSON. Agent 23 Old Levee St. W. M. SU KLs, 2 Tciioapitonlas stv P.

S. Tlie Annie Wagley eoaaectaat Charch i i mr a erk i oa the Levee every Maaway rc. lev Uciut, A i Jt ST. raOTJZfir CD ST. LOUIB AKD WKW ORLEAKB PXOEaYt I FOB ST.

LOUIS, C1AIRO, aTQC IV vfphla, Vlekaborg, aad the Bsada. The are olaes pnannger steamsc of this unewftt leave aa floUewe, at I aolaok P. M.s CITY rY OF ALTOJT, i masted Stardar. 16th last 4 GREAT REFtTBLIO, DoMUdsonv LTZZXB GILL, O'Neal, master. Thursday.

Oot Conneeng wth ArW As, tTMte and Oum mraoo auver raexexe, iiuneiecoutrai ana asa phts and Charlestoa Bailreada nracurn Boketateallaointa JTorth and be had at the ticket a corner Commeai and St Charles streeta in eu (jnani For freight aaasaaa strclv te J. B. WOODS, Gaaeral Agent, Jel tf 104 ernnnHin VICK8BUIIGK yMpAyr.V' 'IVV Leaves on FRIDAY, Oct 15, at i F. at FOR OREENVILlXT0'" rolatwOrandLakeiLake PrjrMMea, all the Bend landings, Vleksburg aad ad termediate landings The ntw steamer POST A. a Geddia, master, win leave as above, positively.

For freight er passage vpj ea board, or te GEO. D. HITS, lrTehotqritoulae st The Post Boy connects with the Yaaoo, Tallahatchie aad Sunflawer Riyer packeta. i wtf writer Asalxawtxan U. B.

MAH. LjTjL "fob Yioxasm oalso 'Chilf. Vrtohea, ttt Adaaaa, Bayea landings. The steanMr R.OHT. E.

LEE, Capt J. W. CfreaeaV win leave as abore every UKSDAT, aw o'clock. Tha steamer n. BELLE LEE, truUL' win leave every THURSDAY at P.

axteaaV tax bet tripe to Argyle, Greenville, Errs Pol at, Grand Lake, Lake Providence, aod aA iia RaaZ Lsitiaga, r. the Yaaoe, Tallahatchie and SuaAewer MaOewer Rl UUjK AZOV MM ALDKT. sfea Iy a i OoiMnerolaLaeaj REGULAR MONDAY' EVKNINO PACKET GOV. ALLEN. CoBiTnetictna' on MONDAY, Oct.

11. at I p. ML fCT 1 FOR LAKE PROVIDENOV IV Bend. Vicksburg. Grand Gulf.

St Joseph, Fort Adama, Month Red River, Bayoa Sara and Til teat Rouge The splendid passer ger packet GOV. ALLEN, i Cap. win leave New Orleana every Monday Xvealng, at 5 P. as above. For freight or passage apply on board, er te Bxnrtcrx A et Aiiaan, tmmnistoiM Rmv tim I REGULAR WEEKLY BEND' PACKET.

Leaves every MONDAY, at M.T. fit Commencing MONDAY. Oct 1 lBe. BK.irwirus.i9ii)innl,) rT Lake Providence, Millikea' Bead. loimri roins.

Vkika burg, Davis's Bend, Grand 8t Joseph, River, Hog's Poinv Tunica, Bayoa Sara, Waterloo, Port Hudson, Baton Rouge, Plaqaemiaew DonaldaonvUle, aad ail iateraaeaiate lsnrtings The splendid passenger peoket JOHN KILGrOUR.x J. G. Benson, master, E. C. Fillmore aad Ed.

Shaw, Clorka, will leave as above, eounecttng' at Vicksburg with the Yaioo, Tallahatchie and Snnflewer pocketa. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to O. 6VW1TNB, 7 s22 S3 Katches street JOHN JANNEY, orner of Commoa and Fulton streets. REGULAR IT. 8.

MAIL PACKET PO NACHEZ, VICK8BUBG AND THE BENDS. Leaves every SATURDAY, at I P. M. 4 fEP aa FOR DONALDSONVILLE, FLA Lr qaetnlne, BaUa Rouge, Bayoa Sara, I Month of Red River, Natohea, Waterproof ROdney, Bt Joseph, Grand Golf. Vleksburg, and the Bends The passenger packet HENRY AMES, T.

P. Leathers, msfftHf Sam. Ayles and Chas. Grice, clerks, (In place ef steamer Natohea.) win leave aa above. Gonneoting at vicksbu with the aide wheel packet COUNTK83 for TaUahstohle and Yasoo Rivers als wlta the Vicksburg and St Louis packets, giv uig through bins of ladlnr to all Bend landings.

Rates of passage sa follows, vis Te Natchez, (5 To Vicksburg, $8. For freight or ta4sae apply en board, or to J. A. STEVENSON, 54 Gravier street JOHN JANNEY, corner of Common and Fulton streets. O.

G. WAYWaX s4 otf 88 Natohea street REGULAR WEEKLY PACKET. eaves everv SATURDAY, st 5 P. M. FOK VIUKSBVHUp NATUHIZ, Bayou Sara, Port Hadson, Baton Rouee.

and all way landinra The now and unsurpassed passenger steamer FRANK PARQ OLTJ3, J. W. Tobin, master, Geo. A. Williams clerk, ill leave as above, connecting with steamers Belle Yazoo and Calumet, for Yaeoo and Telia, latehie Rivers.

For freight or passage apply oa board, or to LORD A McPEAKK, Agent, i 25 70 Gravier street FOB VICKSBURG). Leaves every SATURDAY, at P. M. Rates of passage to Dona'dsonville (4, Baton Rouge Bayou Sara and Red River ta, Natohea fa. Grand Gulf 10, Vicksburg tl2.

WU1 land all Coat passengers. FOR VICKSBURG, DAVTS Bend, Grand Gulf, St Joseph, Rod nnv. Waterproof. etches Fort AeV arus. Red River, Hog's Point, Tunica, Beyoek) Sara, Waterloo, Port Hudson, Baton Roagcv P'aquemlne.

Donaldsonvule, and all intermedials landings Tho new steamer FRANK J. W. Tobin, master, Geo. A. William elerr will leave as above, extending her trips to Mil ken 's Bend and Dockpervoonneotlng atVtoksbars; with the eteamera Belle Yeaoo and Calumet, lac a all points on Yazoo, Tallahatchie and HliAnvWt Rivera.

For freight or passage, apply on baswt or to SINNOTT A ADAMS, aula am Commercial Plaest BAYOU LAFOUliCHBJ. COAST AND LAFOURCHE PACKET. Leaves every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at, sr. m. FOR COAST AND LAFOURCHJsV, The A No.

I passenger packet a 1 (InpUceot the Right Way.) Jos. Dalferea, master, H. H. Landry, slerk. will leave as above.

For freight or passage apply on board. A clerk will be on the landing at all times to receive frekht a P. a The San Nicolas win continue In tha, traiie until the arrival of the new steamer Heor Tete. e7 lea COAST AND DONALDSONVILLE REGU LAR PACKET. Leaves every TU EST AY and THURSDAY, at 12 and SATURDAY at 6 P.

M. iie last passenger pacnet w.h. 8h' 'c 4 Frank Delferes, clerk, will leave as above. For freight or passage piy on Doaro. Tho Cleona returns i every Sunday, Wednesdarr lown the eosei Awi9M and Friday, coming; down The C.

wUl take freight for Bayoa 'Wotrrcha with privilege ef reshivptng as LOWER COASKT WEB COASTEE TTKES WEEIC fast side wheoi VJ1 1 l) W. 8. Bsssemsstev; rrrvBM. WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY aad VJfSvT? 'frim apply ea. bor.

of to lMOravler scree, ape i LOWER COAST. leaves every WEDNESDAY and SATWSV DAY, at 12 M. The steamer T. X. HINE, i S.

O. Hemenway. master, Canton, dork, Vfll ItaTS allOTO,.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.