The El Paso Journal from El Paso, Illinois (2024)

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7' feTL ir Mr i vs rs TS 'iLlZL XXjJ NOW new lUall Paper PLEASE Largest Line of Wall Paper ADVERTISING RATES El Paso SATURDAY MARCH 10 INN ANNOUNCEMENTS Well to make a long story short Mr Boner of hl Paso Low Prices Prevail Throughout the stock WE INVITE INSPECTION that all paints are alike Prescription Druggist East Side El Paso Illinois SMITH MOVED Ji Photographer And dealer in frames and art (foods Chicago THE BEST CABINETS IN WOOD ORD COUNTY WEST RONT ST A find LEMON Wfel El Paso BLACKSMITHING S' UNDERTAKER And repairing of all kinds Horseshoeing i and plow work a specialty POSTOICE BUILDING EAST SIDE EL PASO ILLINOIS Copyright 189a all rights reserved by 8 ursman NE TOW MW I i150000000 BJWS V' wuOT0Rf nwhy Im toooooooo wswyys INE UNERAL URNISHINGS NEW MEAT MARKET The The BURTIS Dealer In IRON AND STEEL ROOING Metal Shingles Etc tSTIMATES URNISHED On application Asia a0 Carlock Gridley Paxton El Paso Panola El Paso Buckley El Paso RoanokeEl Paso Rlpans Tabules cure nausea Rlpans Tabules: at druggists Rlpans Tabules cure flatulence Rlpans Tabules cure dyspepsia Rlpans Tabules cure bad breath Rlpans Tabules cure biliousness Rlpans Tabules: one gives relief Rlpans Tabules cure torpid liver gentle cathartic' Rlpans Tabules cure constipation Rlpans Tabules: for sour stomach Gridley El Paso Secor ft a Cr a ft ft ft ft ft ft 3 for political or other meetings or conveutious A'ill be charged live (5) cents per line Richards Wolk Tyler Gerberich A Ward Win Thurner Louis robish "W7 Stargeon rr: Andrew Sheen Mrs Pearson Wm Beale Joel Zinser Jacob Dehin John Hatfield Percy Kiugdon Geo Danner ruin Mrs Jennie Berg Walter Green Angustin James Wilkey Henry Gross' A Masters Andrew Agnew Haas Wm Zeiger Christian MillerJ Armstrong redrick Hexamer Mrs Aba Manor Haussler Mrs IL Dye Stine 7 Jesse Plackett Geo Heffier Henry Dainmen Thometz Adam Henning Thos Doyle Wolk isher Pleasants Gish Nofsinger Swartz Shuman W7J Wheteel 7 rank Guard Bullock Rankin reed: John Hnber A Coon August Kridner Hurd Switzer McClellan Robert Mayne Jas Bod ger Mrs Kerr Mrs Houtz John Culbertson Isaac Zinser Benson El Paso St Louis Mo El PasoAmes la: El Paso Woodford El Paso Panola Minonk El Paso Carlock Bloomington Oxford Neb Woodford El Paso Panola GridleyEl Paso Chicago Manson la Piper City El Paso Rockwell City la Eureka Clearwater KanSanta Anna Cal Whittemore la Clay Center Kan Taylorville7 El Paso Bruning Neb El Paso Secor Eagle Grove la Secor El Paso Minonk El Paso Springfield Roanoke El Paso Roanoke Gridley El Paso Rutland Lincoln Chicago El Paso Cleveland Panola Harvard Neb Normal El Paso Panola Gentry Ark El Paso Gridley El Paso Hendrpn Block El Paso Ill Choice resh and Salt hand Work done ears abort notice and ei John IHicbds TERMS SUBSCRIPTION 150 Pek Year Invariably Cash in Advance or Sheriff Gish We are authorized to announce Mr I ish of Roanoke as a candidate for sin Woodford county subject to the action on one surface Kappa ChicagoKewanee rvr Bloomington: El Paso Laurens la Alburnette la Kappa Panola Barnston Neb 'ChicagoEl PasoPanolaEiPaaoWhittemore la El Paso Kappa Williamsburg Ya El Paso Empire Ccl Kappa Panola Burt la Blairsburg la Panola El Paso Panola El Paso Champaign Kappa Secor Rood house Healey Iowa alls la El Paso Let Me Take Your Measure have just received the largest line of spring samples that shown in El Paso Please call and examine them and consider my prices before ordering elsewhere The price of each garment is printed on every sample so you can see at a glance what each will cost Every garment warranted to fit and please the customer in every way or he will not be urged to take them Don't forget to bring in your spring suits and have them cleaned and nicely repaired You will be surprised to see bow nearly they will look like new Curtiss tailor A Mexican Custom on Good riday Mrs Sara Stevenson contributes to The Century an article on one of a series devoted to the rench intervention in Mexico In describing the scenes that followed the siege of Puebla Mrs Stevenson says: It was a Mexican custom on Good riday to burn Judas in effigy on the Plaza Mayor Judas was a manikin made in the shape of the person who happened to be most unpopular at the time It was quite admissible to burn Judaa under different shapes and some times these summary autos da fo were multiplied to suit the occasion and the temper of the people At the same time rattles were sold on the streets and uni versally bought alike by children and adults by rich and 'poor to grind the bones of Judas and the objectionable second in hideousuess only to that of our own sending off of firecrack ers on the ourth of July was reli giously kept up all day In the year of our Lord lbG3 Judas was burned in Mexico on the Plaza Mayor under the shapes of General orey Napoleon III and last but not least Dubois de Baligny who especially was roasted with a will amid the wild execrations of the populace DleiTIn Wisconsin Last Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs A Myers of Pinola arrived in th? city at 2:40 having with them the remains of their three year old son Herbert who had died in Northern Wisconsin Mrs Myers and children have been with her father Mr Dunn a laud agent of the Wisconsin Central about 800 miles northwest of Chicago all winter The death resulted from indigestion which developed into meningitis and on riday the death oc curred The: remains were taken at once from the train to the cemetery brief services being held at the grave by Rev Howard Mr Myers went as far as Chicago Saturday and met the moth er ami ether children The little fellow who passed away was to all ap pearances a yery stout healthy boy and hie death was most unexpected And will compete with any city on prices See me before you buy We believe the people of El Paso want good goods for it pays to buy tnem We will sell West Bend la El Paso Come in and look at the fine new goods we are getting in We will surprise you on prices Crazy to Go Miss lavilla seem pleased When you asked her to go to the thea Sbo wanted to keep the tickets for fear something might Lap peu to me Record To old stand West side whbre you can find a complete line of ThA Light Side of Natoro I wonder if we should any babiiSs Katie if wo dug up these gooseberry bushes? Katie Babies come out of gooseberry bushes Siddy Siddy Well where do they come from then? Katie Why from tjie big shops of course you seen printedover some of them Sketch established SATURlAY Entered as second clana matter louche post office at El We are anthunzed tn announce Mr Walter Vaughan of Palestine township as candi date for county Huperinlendent of schools subject to the action of the democratic nom inating convention or Supt of School George Turner We are authorized to announce Mr George Turner of El Paso township as a candidate for countv superintendent of schools subject to the action of the democratic nominating convention WrilT of Holdredge Neb Harvard Neb El PasoPeoriaJ Minonk El Paso HudsonPanola El Paso Albion Neb I We are authorized to announce Mr Wbetzel of Clarion township as a candid fr county superintendent of schools sub to the will of the democratic nominating vent Ion Wood for Paper Peoria Star the vacant ground just below the Union depot partieshave been pil ing cords of wood all winter The wood is of the cottonwood variety and has been cut across the river About 1000 cords have been cut during the winter of which 600 cords have been shipped to Munice Ind where it is made into pa per pulp andjater into paper This is the grade of paper of which newspapers are made so that the bottom lands of the Illinois river are furnishing materi al for the presentation of the wondering world The wood sells for thirty cents a cord in the tree and those who ent it are paid $100 a daj or Niipt of School Melton are authorized to announce that Mr Melton of Eureka a candidate for the ifficc Biiperlntcndent of school subject to Old Stand la nf rtlMMOf Batiks Minn El Paso Armstrong El Paso Deshler Anchbr Gridley El Paso Auburn Gridley El Paso Chicago Benson El Paso Secor Benson El Paso WMossor (Successor to Edwards The blgh clasa The EI Paso Journal BY CURTISS EVANS Ten (10) cents per line for each insertion Advertising locals insyrjion seventh page only for firms carrying display advertise ments or for those who contract 500 Hues or over yearly Special rates will be given to yearly display advertisers as follows: Quarter column ad vertisem*nt locals eight cents jer line half column seven (7j cents one column five (5) cents The following rates will lx given on vearly contracts to adverts who do not carry display iidvertixements: Uver 5N and lews than HUM) lines eight (P) cents per line over JOOOand lews than 2(XMt seven (7) cents over 2000 flve (5y cents Miscellaneous Motives Cards of thanks resolutions obituaries weddings (when list of presents Is given) notices of society or club meetings church ALL WORK WARRANTED Attention given to hanethorini Md to hcHou feet InterferingWJA etc cured and prevented 1 Termj rewomiblA Give mtrii GEO BTAMBACH TO KLONDIKE VIA CHICAGO ALTON undersigned agent ot the Chica go Alton Railroad has abundant literature data maps and the latest Intonnation regard ing routes steamship accommodations out fits etc to the Alaska gold fields The highest protection to the interests ot Klondike pass engers are guaranteed to purchasers ot tickets via the Chicago A Alton most popular Call or write today for particulars Wahnbb Ticket agent A A railroad Cbenea Early in the fifteenth century a Paris firm annually Rent to other parts of Europe more than 1000 dolls dreseed in the latest styles) to serve as models of fashion 1 Haudoiph Dearth 7 Mr A Dearth received word Saturday of the death of big' uncle Mr Randolph Dearth near Danvers death was dne to cancer which had preyed on hie lire many months funeral was held Monday at 11am from the residence seven miles north west of Danvers andT the services were conducted by Rev Hayes The surviving children are Mrs Spicker man of 813 West Market street Bloom ington Mrs Stalter of Trivoli Peo ria comity Joseph living near Eureka Martin chief of police at ort Scott Kan Ransom of Bloomington Perry living near this city Edward and Aug net at home Half a cent buys enough Sherwin Williams paint for Two Coats square foot of Ugliest Market Price for Choice Butcher Stock We solicit a share of your trade Respectfully STRICKLAND PORTER JP ROBINSON Notary Public and Agent tor Old Reliable ire Insurance Companies Representing about JSOOOOCOO assets Reason able rales given Call du me before going elsewhere if you want a reliable tire insurance policy Office with AMERICAN EXPRESS CO EL PASO Blacksmithing 1 hava opened a blacksmith and wagon' shop at old stand and am prepared to do all kinds of blacksmith and WOODWORK In ths best style and at lowest 'prices 1 or wagon and buggy repairing I will keep all kinds of Woodstock VETERI5ARY DENTISTRY SURGERY 7 Graduate of McGill Veterinary College Montreal Canada Dr Moffatt Veterinary Surgeon El Paso Illinois All Diseases of Domestic Animals Care fully Treated Moderate i Office at erguson's livery barn 5 Always on hand 5 Chemical Preservation of the Body A Specialty LADY ASSISTANT When desired ull Chaege of funeral Taken Residence Third street: Second house east of the Roman Catholic Church Elm street: Edwards' old stand MOORE Justice of the Peace Claim and Agent Notary Pub He and Auctioneer EL PASO ILL March 12 1898 DEAR READER: Our collection of patterns for spring 1898 is replete with every and all up to date designs and effects In the selection of our large assortment special i consideration care and study has been taken in the use of onfy the very best qualities this season We sell only the best made wall paper and we feel confident that our set of samples is far more strik ing and novel than ever before especially in color effects The soft rich deep colorings and perfect ele gant blends make our entire line very desirable Al most all the borders are elegantly blended from the deep rich colorings of the sidewall to the softt delicate tints of the ceiling jA EE It is always our study and intention to furnish ar tistic marvels of beauty at the prices arranged and suited to all classes of houses All we ask you is to see our line the largest and newest in Central Illinois You will be agreeably surprised we assure you and still more astonished at the lowness of price at which all goods are marked in plain figures jA jA 7 Levering Kansas City' Eagle Grove la sEl Paso! Panola Creighton Neb Paso Secor El Paso itzgerald Ga El Paso Gridley Hunnewell Kan Secor El Paso J' ALBERT BRIGGS? Office in Wright's BlOtk Up Stairs Deedsnd mortgages made and acknowledged by me Notary public office Will practice lu all courts In the state cullefit dobta hud settle real estate 7 EUREKA ILLINOIS Vera El Paso Springfield Wolcott Ind Panola El Paso Graymont El PaSO ulton El Paso Remington Ind HavanaShambaugh da GridleyPittsburg Kan Williams la iKappa El Paso A BARRACKS XxMiiilne' following have paid subscrip tion money to the Journal since the last list was published in January All persons should carefully examine the date opposite their names to see if prope credit haitegir gi en77Ttie ad dress dates are supposed to be correct np to the hour thia paper went to press In case your credit date is wroung you should notify tins office at once: Miss Anna Tucker Mrs Hnnzinger Montgomery TLos Cribben Boner Wm Zinkan James orsythe A Potter I Wilder Mrs Mayne Jas Bailey Worley Win McCarty Harris John Render Wescott A Hurd Phillips Williamson Mrs Mary North Walter Hodgson Lewis North7 rar Lee It Nethercutt Harseim Indianapolis Ind A Barnhart El Paso II Moore Kansas City Mo A Briggs Eureka Jos Wolte Panola Ocala la II Slemmer Secor A Bolin Marian Potter Armstrong Valentine Baum Edward Bentz Houtz Gibbons Geo Sehlink Bluuiensbine North II Ruvenacht John Ruvenacht Mrs Bateman John Ray Stephens Hayward Horner Philip Scheer Mrs Wm Steele Chas McHugh Mrs Hayden Mrs Evans A Gull Buss John rniu Samuel Stitt Earnest Danner Haas 1 Byown John Heirmeier Miller Henry Kemmers Leonard Breese Mrs Boner Mrs Brown Rev De la Gardie Kyser Oscar Stitt Rufus Nofsinger Walter Stotler Wm Meginnes Houseworth I Strickland Mrs A bhur Jas Horner Horner Mrs Swartz Adams Troxel Gough Berg Harvey Hart Hitch Oliver Scott Jos Wadsworth Clausen II Dierks John Berg Sheckler Aug Oberhelman Hewitt Chapman Corwin Peard Robert Barrett Mrs Hoagland Coons Jacob Yotty to rr Cazenovia Rohman S' St Paul Neb Laughlin Hot Springs Ark Bailey '7 Watseka Merkle Sc Sons rrr Peoria Robert Rogers Pasadena Cal Mrs Wilson Secor Charles Kindig tT Benson Warner Secor Milas Armstrong Wm Hexamer John Shepard Adam Heffier Bowman Geo Wilson John Ryan Williams Kanaga 8 Kroues 7 Mrs Mary Bruning Wm Bigger Polhemus Chas Ritner Smith Dixon Dr Robeson i Harry Mary Wurmuest John Skinner Jos Tool Mrs Bowman Jacob Crusins 8 Miller 7 John Priest" Cady Horace Major NicholasGut 77 Wiles King Charles Ryan Rev Win North 7 red Pfleeger Isaac Johnson 8 Boyd: Mrs Maire Mrs Paul Beale Thomas A Rotbrock Join Klug John Cornelius Ryan Grundy John McGivern Samnel Sutton VanMeter Mrs Merriman Spencer Stitt Win Cline Wm Danner Strickland Wart Miller" Harry Loehr Will Sutton Hitch Chas McAuley Dr At Smith Mrs Slown Jones Wm McCraw red Bruning Robinson Michael Hines Geo Hexamer Will Wadsworth tn Wadsworth Mrs Bohl J' Wm Ryan' Mrs NeaTippler 7 Alice North 7 Geo Krug Valentine Risner A Houtx MEATS ish and oysters In season Executor's Notice Estate ot Joseph Valentine deceased The undersigned having been appointed ex ecutrix ot the last will and testament of Joseph Valentine late of the county of Wood ford and state of Illinois deceased hereby gives notice that she will appear before the county court of Woodford county at the court house In Eureka at the May term on the 1st Monday in May next at which time all per sons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the pur pose ot having the same adjusted All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned Dated this sth day of March A 18S8 3t Sophib VALBNT1N1 Executrix euury unuorriiwsxetcBot an allegorical picture to be worked in corn and corn products representing OR THE PARIS AMERICA EEDING THE WORLD WITH CORN bot hemispheree supported by the American eagle and crowned with i Kioe Corn In one side the Washington to tySfv the United'statM corner a man of otkont friends and ot the continental market we seek In the right hand Aug that we nr American corn field In the middle of the field is a great Cannonshow a peacefq) people and that tnimMi mvbwmvIu 11 Cni 0Ter 19to the olJ world indicating that we are also thought outbMr ft? 87 oramen ot kTiw Wlr awowla into plow aharee This picture wet lo 7i 21 SSO sibftol by whom it will be eoestrnrred nnder the ausnicen of thn Illinois tata who made ol I of rialreT for it It was Mr at the 1 t0 llliD0W arnl 8cene attracted such attention in thellilaoie bnIMIng I'M 7 ft A Splendid Oak Dining Chair 98c Each A Regular $15 Dining Table at $12 A Regular $15 Couch at $1350 Window Shades S3 nicer than ever at very reasonable figures Look 3 them over at our xs store a Some think We know they are not any 3 more than all clothes experiment we know 2 you will be satisfied with Sherwin Williams paints 3 They are made for painting anything paintable A special paint for each surface not one slap dash mix 5 ture for all jA jA 3 ootwear or Men Women Boys Girls Babies have new spring shoes artistic Stylish and serviceable at lowest prices Call and see them 3 "Vilsorx eSc Sarx'bQxn II LaugkhanzeaehfcKi par huwlrL i Holland Turkeywh lictzper hua fired pihSSdaitaE price Write or exit tEDW BURROUGHS stevaa 1 KL PASO ILLINOIS AMh sc i I 5 1 rw WS'fi' iii ffi ''v i i i Ti jr ii mw tti i i Seta per trondrw imslsi aiftwaAor Si Wm ivBvv' fe 1 1 I X1TA I tv A JI Ss Bo m' If i Iff I fjg' 4 fe I sh Jinl 1 6L SRI display 1 wk 2 wk3 wkj 3mojSmol yr 1 Inch 1 oof 1 SO! 2 Off 2 2'5 SO 5 ffH 8 2 inrheH 1 so 2 so 3 oo so 501 oo 12 00 Slncbea 2 2513 25 3 751 4 25 7 00 to 00 Column 3 501 5 6 75 7 75 12 00:18 2524 OO Column 9 00 11 50 13 fiO lb 50 30 OCm'45 (aj I Column 10U)J2 OJU CKlfi D0I51 Ou Jtf 00 Local.

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The El Paso Journal from El Paso, Illinois (2024)


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.