Ironwood Daily Globe from Ironwood, Michigan (2024)

SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1944. JKONWOOD DAILY GLOBE, IRONWOOD. MICH. THREE Exterior, Interior Walls Painted; Floors, Pews Varnished. The St.

Anthony church at Pence has been renovated within the past few months. The white exterior walls contrast with the brown doors--Carmelite colors of the saint, Anthony. A large, plain cross is over the front portal and a smaller one is at the rear of the church. The colors of the interior of the church harmonize artistically. The ivhite panelled ceiling blends by graduation into the tones of ivory and the tan of the lower walls.

The rear doors are brown, complimenting the brown clad patron saint high up on the main altar. A delicate color scheme, green predominating b.rings into play the rich symbolism of the church, in and about the sanctuary. i extends to a motif border on the side walls--the golden chalice and the Host, JHS. The stations of the cross a above in frames of green. The large arch of the balcony continues the symbols at pleasing intervals.

Pews and floors are bright with fresh The contractor and interior decorator, J. Ritchie of Hurley, stated that the work will soon be completed. With the Colors Pvt. Jerome J. Kovales, son Mr.

and Mrs. Edward B. Kovale of 57 West Brogan street, is sta tioned somewhere in the Southwes Pacific. He entered the service in March, 1943. Q--How many registered hospitals are there in the United States? A--6358, according to a 1941 census.

Q--What tongues, aside from English, are the most widely spoken ir this country? A--German, Italian, Polish and Spanish, in that order. Q--At what speed do "sneezed" germs travel, according to scientific estimate? A--They whiz through the air at than 100 m. p. h. a Q--What is a sardine? A--The true sardine is the young of the pilchard, a member cf the herring family.

Q--What was the first complete opera to be broadcast by radio? and Gretel." broadcast from the stage of the Metropolitan Opera Co. in 1931. With the Colors William R. Banfield, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Stephen R. Bimfield, 1219 Florence street, was recently promoted to rank of private first class at the AAF training command's Altus army ail- field at Altus, Okla. Jean I. Guthrie, feminine blue- daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Rcnald Guthrie, of 1013 North Hemlock street, is a recent enrollee at the naval training school (yeoman) on the campus of Iowa State Teachers college. Cedar Falls, la. Past civilian experience and "boot training" aptitude tests were the basis for her selection to the specialty school. Successful completion of the yeoman course wins a petty officer rating for the feminine bluejacket. Pfc.

Louis Moncher, son of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Moncher of Gile is stationed with the artillery at Camp McCain, Miss. He entered the service on December 16, 1942. Moncher recently spent a furlough at home after being on maneuvers in Tennessee. Pvt.

Jennie C. Landfald, WAC, is stationed at the srmy air field at San Bernardino, Cal. Pvt. Landfald, who was born in Duluth and I prev'ous to joining the Women's Army Corps was employed "by the civil service at Minneapolis, is a sistei- of Mrs. Raymond Garvey of 152 pcwabic street.

She entered the WAC's August 27, 1943 and had her basic training at Des Moines. She is quite well known in Iron- wcod having visited here several times, the last time August. Patrick H. Simmonds, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Clyde Simmonds, 213 East Larch street, has enlisted in the navy. Our national stockpile of usable car tires of every description was reduced from on Jan. 1, 1943, to 5,250,000 on Oct. 1 cf this year. Dustlcss coal is dustless primarily because soap is used to emulsify the oil sprayed on the coal to keep dust down.

GLASS Of All Kinds! PAUL SAUtER CO. Pn. I20-R 122 AyCT Staff Sgt. Paul Udee. son of Mrs.

Anna Udee of Gile, entered' the.ser- vice on April 9, 1941, and is stationed in Australia with the medical corps. He received his basic training at Camp Shelby, and at the present time is on a rest period after serving sight months in New Guinea. J. GEACH D. RAUTIO Pvt.

Geach, son of- Mrs. William Pronath of Hurley and Chicago, is a machine gunner with the 5th army in Italy. Geach is a graduate of the Hurley high school with the class of 1942 and entered the service on December 16. 1942. Aviation Cadet David R.

Rautio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rautio of Route 1, Hurley, has completed REPAIR! REMODEL! See or Phone Johnson Lundsrud "HOME BUILDERS" Pbone 1126 SOS E. MeLeod Interested in Insulating? Please advise me of the cost of correctly INSULATING MY HOME. NO OBLIGATION ON MY PART TO BUY.


Young People's Society and Walther League will have a joint meeting with Bessemer Society Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Catechetical instruction nesday at 4:15 p. m. and Saturday at 10 a.

m. The annual with election of officers has been postponed to Sunday January 16 at 7:30 p. m. A. C.

Hellert, pastor. IRONWOOD GOSPEL TABERNACLE Greenbush and Harding St. Sunday, Morning worship at 10 a. m. Sunday school at 11 a.

m. Lesson: First John Young People's service at 7 p. m. Evangelistic service at 7:45 p. m.

Monday, service in Town Winegar, 7:45 p. m. Thursday, cottage meeting in parsonage, 100 West Ridge street, at 7:45 p. m. Friday, service in Gospel Tabernacle at Marenisco, 7:45 p.

m. Paul J. Bicket, pastor. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Subject: Sacrament, unday school at 9:30. Services at 11.

Wednesday, testimony meeting at 8. This is a branch of the Mother church, the First church of Christ, Scientist in Boston. as Gregory, 604 Lake avenue on Wednesday at 2:30 p. Robert Exworthy, assisting hostess. Circle 2 meets with Mrs.

L. R. BlsseJl, 634 Sutherland Thursday afternoon at 2:30. Circle 3 meets with Mrs. Arthur Trezise, 659 Sutheland street on Wednesday at 2:30 p.

m. Mrs. Fred May assisting hostess. Circle 5 meets with Mrs. Percy Smith, 501 North Curry on Thursday afternoon.

Hedley Bennett, pastor. SALEM LUTHERAN CHURCH Aurora and Marquette streets. Sunday after Epiphany. Church school at 9:15 a. m.

Morn- ng worship at 10:30 a. m. with the sermon, "Jesus Authority." The inthem is entitled "How Beautiful Jpon the Mountains." by Ogden Vesper worship at 7:30 p. m. with he sermon, "Faith Satisfied." Monday, Luther League will have a sleigh ride party at 8 p.

m. Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. the senior choir will rehearse. Bible Study hour Thursday.

at :30 p. m. Friday at 2:30 p. m. the Salem Circle meets at church.

Hcstesses are Mrs. Walter Kellett and Mrs, William Olson. Saturday, Confirmation a meets at 8:30 a. m. Children's hoir will rehearse at 10:30 a.

lunior Missionary society will meet 2:30 p. m. T. E. Johnstons, pastor.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH South Mansfield Street Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morn- ng worship at 11 a. m. with the ermon, "The Baptist and the Christ." Young People's service at 6:30 p.

m. Evening worship at 7:30 p. m. with the sermon, "The Es- ence of the Gospel." Monday at 7:30 p. m.

Sunday chool teachers and officers will meet at 222 South Mansfield street. Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. prayer es Aid service will meet. Wednsday at 7:30 p.

m. prayer nd Bible study service at the home if Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gotta, Besemer. Thursday at 7:30 p.

m. the anal Young Peuple's meeting. Gos- service at the Gogebic county nfirmary at 6:30 p. m. Thursday.

Sunday, Swedish preaching ser- ice at 2:30 p. m. Carl J. Ackermaii, pastor. THHE FINNISH ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN NATIONAL CHURCH Divine worship 10 a.

m. After the service there will be the annual meeting of the congregation. Dinner will be served at church parlors from 12 to 1 and the meeting will be concluded in the afternoon. All members are urgently invited. Luther League will meet at church parlors Monday at 7:30 p.

m. Zion Ladies Aid will meet at church parlors Thursday evening at 7:30. Mrs. Ralph Hendrickson, Mrs. Hilja Peterson and Mrs.

Waino Suokko will serve lunch after the meeting. Confirmation class meets at church parlors at 9 o'clock every Saturday morning. Jacob Hirvi, pastor. GRACE METHODIST CHURCH McLeod and Curry Sunday church school with classes or all ages meets at 9:45. Worship ervice at 10:45.

The sermon topic will be "Why the Cross." Wednesday, choir rehearsal at :30 p. m. Thursday, Woman's Society for Jhristlan service meets in the hurch parlors at 2:30 with Mrs. 'hlllip Brottlund as hostess. C.

W. Egeland, pastor. FIRST METHODISiT CHURCH E. McLeod Ave. and Mansfield St.

Sunday school al, 9:45 a. m. doming worship at 11 a. m. An- hem, "Praise the Lord, Jerusa- Sermon.

"The Christian Ministry of Encouragement." Youth Fellowship at 6:30 Leader, "letty Warren. Evening service at :30 p. m. Sermon, "Let My People Prayer service on Wednesday at :30 p. m.

Circle 1 meets with Mrs. Thorn- is basic flying course at the Marna air Held in Tuscon, Ariz. Before is entrance into the air force on February 16, 1943, Rautio was a re-medical student at Northwestern niversity. WE CAN INSULATE Your Home Now For 1914! A Carpenter Builder THE SALVATION ARMY Sunday services: Morning worship at 10:30 a. m.

Sunday schcol at 2:30 p. m. Young People's Legion at 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p.

m. This servics will be in the form of a memorial service for Mrs. Sam Francis who passed away on Monday, January 3. Tuesday: Band practice, at 7:15 p. m.

and songster practice 8 o'clock. Wednesday: Teacher's training class meets at 7:15 p. m. and Mid- Wees Gospel service at 7:45. Thursday: Young People's Bible study class meets at 715 p.

m. Doc- trins class at 8. Friday: Ladies Home League will m-set at 7:30 p. m. You are always welcome at The Salvation Army.

Captain E. Bollwahn. HURLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday school a.t 9:40 a. m. Services of worship at 10:45 a.

m. Theme, Musts for 1944." Senior Christian Endeavor will meet at 6:30 p. m. with the leader, Leah Semberg. Girl Scouts meet 'onday at 6:30 p.

m. Junior Christian Endeavor meets at 3:45 p. m. Confirmation at 4 o'clock. Wednesday, the choir will rehearse at 7:15.

Friday, the Girl Scouts and the Junior Christian Endeavor will hftvj a skating party at 6 o'clock. Chester L. Harries, minister. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday school will not start until 9:30 tomorrow morning. Next Sunday, however, the school will slart earlier again.

Communion service tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock with the Rev. Harold W. Davis of Lawrenceburg, Indiana presiding. All officers of the church, members of the various organizations within the church, and the congregation as a whole are especially urged to hear the Rev. Davis and to meet him after the services.

Christian Endeavor will meet Sunday evening. Ladies' Aid will meet at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon and the choir at 7:15 Wednesday evening. G. A. Kaltenbach, pastor.

On leave of absence. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Second Ave. and Poplar Hurley Sunday school at 9. Service at 10.

Council meeting Tuesdty at 7:30. Sunday school teachers meet Wednesday at 7:45. R. C. HorlamiM, pastor, THE CHURCH OF THE TRANSFIGURATION (Episcopal) Aurora and Marquette Sta.

First Sunday after Epiphany The Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Church school service and presentation of birthday thank -of fering a. for all age groups 9:45 a. m.

Morning service and sermon 11 a. m. The rector will review the spiritual objectives of the "Three-Year Plan of Action" under the topic: "The Practice of the Presence of Music by the Parish choir, under the direction of Mrs. David Tousignant. The public is invited to attend our services.

Monday: The Women's Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Linwood I. Noyes, for their regular monthly luncheon meeting at 1:15. Mrs Merton L. Wright will be assisting hostess.

Thursday: Choir rehearsal in the church at 7:30 p. m. The church is open daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p.

m. for private prayer and meditation. Rev. John Ward Smith, rector. NEWPORT METHODIST CHURCH Morning worship at 10 a.

m. with anthem by the choir and the sermon, "The Life to Come." Church school at 11 a. m. with Charles Treloar, superintendent. Evening service, a good song service will be held at 7 p.

m. with the sermon "The Door of Prayer." Wednesday, Prayer and Bible study at 7:30 p. m. Thursday at 2:30 p. m.

the Bethany Circie will meet for business and a social hour. Friday at 7:30 p. m. the choi; will, rehearse. Monday January 24, at 7:30 p.

the Newport Brotherhood will meet for business. W. G. PrPout, pastor. ST.

PAUL'S FINNISH EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH South Curry St. Sunday 9 m. Sunday school. 9:30 a.

m. English worship. 11 a. m. Finnish worship.

2 p. m. Services and annual business meeting at Iron Belt. Monday 7 p. m.

The church council will meet. 7:30 p. m. The Martha-Mary Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. John Sefrula.

Wednesday 7:30 p. m. The Bible Study hour will be held. The 25th chapter of the Acts will be discussed. Saturday 9:30 a.

m. The confirmation class will meet for instruction. Herman Matero, pastor. Sidnaw Catholic Club Meets-The Ladies Catholic club met at the home of Mrs. Charles Findley Wednesday afternoon.

The Mes- damea Ida Provost, George Lloyd Beck end Swande Norbeck were present. There was a business session. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess, at the conclusion of the afternoon. Tile next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. P.

A. Poquet, January 19, 1944. The Story of Hitler's Women NOW SHOWING AT THE NEW REX iis Flora E. Me Ehlinney, of Houghton and Eino Bahti, of Painesdale, were business callers here today. Mark Grooms has gone to Alston, where he will te employed.

Lee Tschury has returned to his home hei'e after spending two weeks in Mayville, with relatives. G. Lee of Marquette was a business caller in town recently. Arvo Antilla, of Calumet, was a business caller in town Wednesday. Mrs.

Irene Prodell, Mr. and Mrs Carl Syrjala and Miss Doris Jean Prodell were Houghton callers Wednesday. Joseph Osterman and James Mel Corry were Houghton callers Tuesday. O. Tschury and Onni Niemi were callers in Iron Mountain Tuesday.

Mfs. Kate Pequet has returned home from Ewen, where she -visited at the C. Bailey home. Lee Estes left for Iron Mountain to visit his wife, who is ill there. Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Syrjala of Diorite are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. F.

R. Hellenbolt were Michigamme callers today. Miss Lois Moseler of Ontonagon A caller here enroute to Marquette. With the Colors tfT" Lieutenant Raymond E. Garvey and Corporals Ole Bentzen and Angelo Biachi, schcol pals arid longtime friends, had the above picture taken when they had furloughs in Ironwood at the same time last fall.

Lt. Garvey (leftl is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Garvey of 152 Pewabic street and is with the army engineers at Camp Claiborne, La. Ha entered service July 11, 1942.

Cpl. Bentzen (center) is with the army signal corps at Camp Crowder, and is a cadet member. He entered service in January, 1943. His wife, the former Miss Martha Louise Garvey, is employed at Camp Crowder. He is the sen of Mrs.

Caroline Bentzen of Cedar street. Cpl. Bianchi ''right), son of Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Bianchi of 997 Newport location, left for overseas with the army engineers in November.

He also entered service in January, 1943. MARION NEHMER WEDS CPL. LUTZ IN TEXAS Ontonagon--On December 23 at 11 a. m. in the parish of St.

Peter's church of Laredo, Texas, Miss Marion Nehmer, daughter of the late Elizabeth Nehmer, became the bride of Bernard Lutz. formerly of Ontonagon. For her wedding 1 Marion chose a two piece light blue wool track with black accessories. A shoulder cour- sage of pink carnations completed her costume. Mrs.

Walter Ostertag, of Laredo, wore blue also and her corsage was of pink carnations. Best man was Sgt. Walter Ostertag. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the Alma Latine Hotel in Neuna Laredo, Mexico. Both Cpl.

and Mrs. Lutz are well known in Ontonagon. Mrs. Lutz graduated from the Ontonagon nigh school in 1941. Cpl.

Lutz school in Glidden, Wis. For several years he was employed by Lake Superior Lumber Co. The young couple will make their icrne in Laredo, Texas. Marries California Girl-- Pfc. Edwin Dorffi of Calumet, a former employee of the Quality Food Market here in Ontonagon, spoke vows of marriage with Dorothy Somes of Santa Rosa, Calif.

The wedding took place in Dillon, S. December 23, at 2 p. m. Pfc. and Mrs.

Dorffi will make their at 301 Alexander street. Fayetteville, N. C. Pfc. Dorffi is stationed at Fort Bragg, N.

C. MRS; DAVIS, FORMERLY OF WHITE PINE, DIES About People And Things iBt Tht Associated PresM THAT'S DIFFERENT New London, Conn. The New London fire department decided long ago that any cat able to climl) a tree also could climb down. The firemen relented, however, when toM the yowls of a tree- stranded kitty had been disturbing the sleep of war workers for several days. They trudled out a ladder truck and neighborhood quiet was restored.

SURPRISE Portland, Ore. --The war housing authority rejected W. H. McCargar's application for a house on, grounds that his job is not essential. McCargar is a district OPA official.

LAST, BUT NOT LEAST Douglas, by one. members of a Douglas air field cadet class received their wings from Col. Harvey F. Dyer, their commanding officer, at graduation exercises. As the last cadet stjpped forward, Col.

Dyer found sfie was shy one emblem. So, smiling warmly, he unfastened the wings from his own blouse, pinned them on the fledgling flier. Ontonagon--Mrs. Walter J. Davis, formerly of White Pine Minei died at her home in Kelso, on Friday, December 17.

All of her immediate family were with her when she died. She is survived by her husband and three children, Mrs. Clyde B. Shirer, Mrs. Francis E.

Clark, and Francis A. Davis, and one grandson. Woodsman Dies-Chester Mechalski. 60. a Polish woodsman and a well-known character around for some years, passed away Monday morning.

The remains were at the Driscoll Funeral home, for whigh place the funeral took place Wed- nesdaj', with burial in the Evergreen cemetery. Mrs. Clifford J. Ausllette of Dconto is visiting at the home of her brother, Laurence P. Walsh.

A. M. Dennison of Milwaukee was a business caller in town Wednesday. John Peterson has reutnrd from a with relatives and friends in'Cleveland, Ohio. Robert Corbeil spent the school vacation with his parents, and Mrs.

Ed Corbeil in Detroit. U. S. war dead from Pearl Harbor co the summer of this year had a approximately 15,000 whereas during the same period there were 40,000 traffic deaths. Transfer Service! ED.

OIE DRAY LINE ZZ of Dependability! PHONE 411 IRONWOOD MAKE ALL YOUR HOME SPACE With the Holiday Season it's time to make plans for the comfort and improvement of your home. Johns-Manville Rock Wool Batts should be your first consideration. Insulate SAVE FUEL IN WINTER ENJOY SUMMER COMFORT E. Ayer St. Ironwood F.J.

HACER LUMBER CO. Phono 7 Inmwootf Depend Upon Us For-HEATING Anil Plumbing; Serrire! Phoni 68 WALTER OKSA LIctniM Mlfklnn Mallei PlimilKi III I. Suffolk Fk tin. tin IRONWOOU. MICH.

Mrs. Lyle Roehm is on the sick list this week. Mrs. McPherson, nee Ann Bilodeau, of Kalamazoo. is visiting at the home of her father, John Bilodeau.

Misses Mayme and Bertha McCanna have returned from a visit with relatives and friends in Ironwood. A. M. Lindstrom of Milwaukee was a business caller in town Wednesday. Wants Bill Endorsed.

Lansing, aviation advisory committee of the state planning commission Friday asked its parent body to endorse a bill giving the state board of aeronautics control over intra-state commercial aviation lines and to approve a 872,500,000 postwar airport construction program. The airport program suggests the addition cf about 170 new airports, landing and fields and landing strips in northern Michigan islands, to bring Michigan's total number of 240. Personnel taxes in the U. S. increased from about J3 billion in 1940 to an estimated $16 billion in 1S43.

WE HAVE a full atoek of electrical wiring: supplies. Phone for quick service! PETE'S ELECTRIC SHOP 120 Silver St. Hurley. WIs. Phone 87 Plan Your Redecorating Now! Manpower and material shortages are becoming more severe daily.

We recommend early planning for your prospective interior decorating. A. LaMARCHE PAINT SHOP IRONWOOD Have Your Furnace Reconditioned' a it A a i A a i CLEAN a i A Don't Take Chances. Phono 418 Now HOLLAND A E. A.

JONES, Branch Mgr. 110 Norfolk IroDwood We Have The Materials For Insulating Your Attic Cost of Laird's Red Top Materials For The Average Attic Is About-40 STRIP WOOL TYPE A 100 Sq. Fool $4.50 Junior Batts FULL 4" THICK 100 Sq. Feel $5.75 Save Waste Paper! Collection To Be Made In Next Week! NtWtPAFflK: Fold them flit (the way the paper boy sells them) and tie them in bundles about 12 inches high. cenuuia AW UMMMI MUI AW CAtlOWi Flatten them out and tie them in bundle! about 12 inches high.

MAtAIMB AM Tie them in bundles about 18 inches high. "THREE YARDS TO SERVE YOU!" Phone 328 Phone 4291 Phone 2271 IRONWOOD WAKEFIELD EWEN.

Ironwood Daily Globe from Ironwood, Michigan (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.